In 2016, Kossoye Development Program (KDP) distributed sets of seeds (5 grams each of carrot, chard, cabbage, and kale) to 74,000 families living in 6 districts of the North Gondar Region of Ethiopia. The bulk of the $10,000 AllPeopleBeHappy Project Grant went toward the purchase of vegetable seeds from local producers. In June 2016, three regional universities (in Debra Markos, Debra Tabor, and Bahir Dar) asked for help in establishing horticulture education programs. In addition, KDP provided training and workshops for 1,374 individuals, employed 68 seed packers on a part-time, piece work basis, funded two horticulture research grants, and supported collaborative projects with Hope for Tomorrow, an organization that serves single mothers and their children in the Gondar area.
Blog #104: Update on Kossoye Development Program