The Village Health Works (VHW) agriculture program made extensive progress in 2016. The program encompasses training programs, on-site demonstration and production gardens, household gardens, farming and livestock cooperatives, and awareness-raising events. The agricultural production increased by 105% in 2016 (9,802.5 kg harvested in 2015 vs 20,140 kg harvested in 2016). This production helped VHW to feed 16,709 kg of produce to hospitalized patients who did not have the means to buy nutritious food, reinforcing the link between the agriculture program and VHW’s clinical program. Furthermore, the chickens and cows part of the agricultural program provide eggs and milk not only to the patients in the clinic, but also to the students in the Early Childhood Development Program within the education program. Students from preschool to Grade 3 receive nutritious meals every day, and through this VHW has seen the number of malnourished children decrease.
Blog #107: Update on Village Health Works