We have been supporting the work of the Friends of Nepal Pariwar Foundation since 2010. Between July 2016 and June 30, 2017, the four supported clinics provided healthcare services to 24,784 patients. Seven mobile “camps” were organized during that period and served 2,991 patients. Survey results: “This past year, 2016-17, was the fourth year of the study and overall home deliveries have reduced from 42% four years ago, to 31%, to 28% and this last year 27%. Clinic use by pregnant women for regular checkups has increased from 6% four years ago, to 9%, 22% and this last year 28%. Adoption of a family planning contraceptive following delivery averages about 40% with the injectable Depo Provera being the most popular method.”
Blog #124: Friends of Nepal Pariwar Foundation Update