In the community of San Miguel de Kilambe, Nicaragua, 328 households (~1,800 people) lack access to potable water, with the majority hauling water from distant sources. This burden falls primarily to women and children, reducing time and energy for other priorities like education. To address this issue, the local Citizen Participation Council requested support from the Association of Rural Development Workers-Ben Linder (ATDER-BL) and Green Empowerment to develop a water project that will provide 100% of the population with metered, household access to potable water and reach at least 85% of households with hygiene and sanitation training. The total project budget is $165,021; the Spanish organization Manos Unidas has agreed to finance $87,000 to cover the costs of infrastructure for water capture, storage, and delivery to the part of the community closest to the water source. AllPeopleBeHappy foundation has agreed to provide $10,000 to support the expansion of the distribution system to further out sections.