Kieryn Ota is volunteering with Duke University’s Duke Engineers for International Development (DEID). Kieryn is part of a 7 person team traveling to Uganda to construct a vehicular bridge outside of Kanyegaramire, a village in the Mwenge North County of the Kyenjojo District. The current bridge is a narrow, unstable foot bridge which floods twice a year for three to four months at a time, limiting the travel options for villagers. People sometimes pay to be carried across the flooded bridge. This difficult journey impedes the ability of farmers to transport and sell their crops in markets. The new bridge will be able to support the weight of trucks and will not flood during the rainy season, thus boosting economic activity, improving safety, and increasing access to the maternity clinic that was built in 2017 by DEID.
Blog #143: Volunteer Kieryn Ota