In late 2018, Claudio Sala was awarded an AllPeopleBeHappy Fellows grant of $12,000 to enable him to help the La Bendición community of Guatemala generate sustainable income by commercializing wild forest honey. Claudio is working for Trees, Water & People, a small nonprofit founded in 1998 and based in Fort Collins, Colorado, to help rural communities across the Americas better conserve, manage, and protect the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends. La Bendición is a community of poor rural farmers living on a remote mountainside; nevertheless, the community currently holds a hidden treasure: wild endemic bees which produce a unique and highly valuable honey. The youth from La Bendición are raising these bees as a hobby, following the teachings of their ancestors. By having a specialist, Claudio Sala, to assist the youth in practicing wild beekeeping and training them to process and market wild honey, he is helping them to improve their livelihoods and reduce migration pressure.