The AllPeopleBeHappy foundation awarded Green Empowerment in 2019 a Project Grant for a WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) program in Ecuador. The villages of Telembi and Chispero (~142 households/~730 people) currently use water from the Cayapas river (especially for bathing and clothes washing) or from small spring sources, with community members hauling buckets of water hundreds of meters to their homes. In this project we are implementing new water systems in both communities, while integrating Telembi’s existing reservoirs in that system design. Progress on the water systems came to a halt in early 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting national stay-at-home order. While Ecuador was an early COVID-19 hotspot in South America, the country has been able to reduce the rate of new infections and is slowly ending travel restrictions and curfews in some parts of the country. After engaging the communities about the various health concerns, all stakeholders agreed to resume project work in late June.
Blog #186: Update on Green Empowerment Project Grant