Saha Global works in Ghana to set up entrepreneurial women with a chlorinating business that provides clean water to the public at a price that all can afford. During the pandemic, Saha Global initiated the Coronavirus Emergency Water Fund (EWF) and provided free clean water to the villagers. From June 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021, the EWF ran in 225 villages, with approximately 100,000 residents served and almost 600 participating women entrepreneurs. Their latest data show that 1) over 8 million liters of water were treated, 2) recent round of water testing showed 100% of the businesses tested were free of E. coli, and 3) households consumed 6X the amount of water each day during this period than they did in in 2019. With the ending of EWF on March 31, 2021, the main question to be answered is “How many customers are “sticky”? After receiving Saha water for free for 6 months , will customers be willing to pay for it again?”
Blog #197: Update on Project Grant to Saha Global