A Project Grant has been awarded to Green Empowerment for construction of a clean water system in the community of San Marcos, Bolivia. San Marcos is located 50 miles north of Rurrenabaque, Bolivia in the Amazonian lowlands, and is only accessible by boat via the Beni River. The community currently collects water from the Beni River, which is contaminated by natural, and human caused contaminants. The clean water system consists of a 50-meter deep well, an elevated concrete water tower, a chlorination system, and metered distribution systems with taps for each of the 28 houses (140 people). The total projected budget is $80,815, with the Foundation contribution being $10,000. This flood-safe project was developed by two former AllPeopleBeHappy Volunteer Service Award recipients (Steve Meicke and Lisa Hall) and it is being used as a prototype that will hopefully be deployed elsewhere in the area.
Blog #210: Project Grant to Green Empowerment