Green Empowerment works with in-country partner organizations to build clean water and renewable energy infrastructure with indigenous and rural communities across the globe. The AllPeopleBeHappy foundation has been a longtime supporter of Green Empowerment, with six $10,000 Project Grants from 2015 to 2020, and a 3-year Challenge Grant of $100,000 from 2020 to 2022. In 2023, a 7th Project Grant of $15,000 has been awarded for the project “Piped Water Systems: Nyakabale Solar Motorized Water System in Kiryandongo District, Uganda.” This area currently has 4 boreholes, all manually operated, for the 6,000 people in 6 villages. This project is to install a solar motorized water pumping system to storage tank at the Nyakabale borehole and to develop a piped water distribution network with the other 3 boreholes to provide water to 3,000 people.
Blog #242: Project Grant to Green Empowerment