The Little Sisters Fund (LSF) provides long-term scholarships to economically disadvantaged girls in Nepal. Since starting with 1 girl in 1998, LSF has now provided scholarships to over 1,450 “Little Sisters.” In 2013, LSF initiated a Primary Educator Training (PET) Program, which seeks to replace the teacher-centered rote memorization learning system with a child-centered teaching methodology. In 2013, LSF conducted trainings for 73 teachers from 6 schools and reached 1,725 children. In 2014, LSF trained 121 teachers from 12 schools and impacted 2,350 students. With a 2015 Project Grant of $7,500 from AllPeopleBeHappy foundation, approximately 50% of the cost of the PET Program is being covered. PET broadens LSF’s reach beyond the most at-risk girls (whom are being support with scholarships) to seek to improve the overall quality of primary education and school atmosphere in Nepal.