Seasonal migration of coffee farm families leads children to experience fragmented education and pervasive child labor incidence. It is estimated that over 320,000 children in Nicaragua between the ages of 5 and 14 are working, predominantly in the agricultural sector. Project Alianza in 2015 has established a primary school on-site at Finca la Aurora, a large coffee farm situated among many smallholder farms in a remote coffee growing region. A grant of $5,000 from AllPeopleBeHappy foundation
is being used to enhance this education initiative by administering anti-parasite medicine to the children, building a community garden, hosting health programs, creating a small computer lab, and expanding teacher training programs. The school is accessible to up to 300 families living below the poverty line, and the population of school aged children that will access its services ranges from 17 to 150 depending on the season.
Blog #60: Project Alianza