An interesting update from one of our Project Grant partner, Mercado Global, working in Guatemala: “A great example of a dedicated and hardworking partner artisan is Paulina Chiroy. She has become a respected leader and role model in her community of La Fe. Using income earned through Mercado Global sales orders, Paulina has been able to support her family, and specifically her daughter Jessica, make sure she stays in school and has access to more opportunities than she was afforded. Paulina has told Mercado Global she finds value in the various trainings of nutrition, women’s health, and financial literacy, claiming that these are the topics she shares with her daughter and other community members.
Because of the business education program, many partner artisans have also started their own microenterprises, showcasing their entrepreneurial spirit. Santa Maria Visitación is a standout partner cooperative that continues to set and break milestones each year. The women of Santa Maria Visitación noticed a lack of affordable bedding in their community. Applying content from business trainings, the women began a side business to create sheets and pillow covers. This has allowed them to earn additional income while still participating in Mercado Global orders.”