An update from our Project Grant recipient Little Sisters Fund, an organization in Nepal that supports education for girls. Their AllPeopleBeHappy grant is for the training of primary school teachers: “The major earthquakes of April and May 2015 and hundreds of smaller aftershocks caused extensive death, damage, and disruption. Many schools in affected areas were closed through the end of June, which delayed the start of the academic year for hundreds of thousands of students. Since August, when Nepal pushed through a new constitution, political protests and a general strike along the southern border have caused a fuel crisis throughout the country. The earthquake and fuel crisis limited the number of trainings conducted (13 compared to 20 as stated in the proposal) and from taking the training to more schools farther from our Kathmandu office.” This still means that 177 teachers were trained, impacting approximately 4,425+ students. Pretty impressive considering all the challenges they have faced.
Blog #70: Little Sisters Fund