A belated Happy New Year. 2016 was a very good year for the AllPeopleBeHappy foundation. We concluded the year with a record $202,591 in contributions, with expenses of only 1.4%. Thank you again to all of our donors! At the end of 2015, we funded the final year of our first ever 3-year $100,000 Challenge Grants to Global Emergency Care Collaborative and Indego Afica. With those funding obligations completed, we had the opportunity to call for new proposals. After a thorough review of proposed program expansions, we are excited to report that the new Challenge Grant recipients have been selected, but since the “paperwork” is still being processed, we can’t as yet announce the results. This quarter we have also renewed a couple of project grants, and are looking forward to next quarter when we will also be selecting a new crop of Volunteer Service Award and Fellows Program grant recipients. As you can see, 2017 is going to be an exciting year so stay tuned.
Blog #95: 2016 Was Good