Founded in 2016, The Superkids Foundation has an innovative solution to improving education in Latin America. They mobilize children as agents of change; parents who haven’t studied beyond third grade do not have the time or skills to help their kids out, but 4th-6th grade children can by becoming “Kid Teachers” to teach younger kids to learn to read.
In early 2023, the AllPeopleBeHappy foundation awarded a fourth $10,000 Project Grant to support this “Mobilizing Children as Agents of Change” program. In the 2022 program, the 100+ Kid Teachers (4th to 6th graders, age 10 to 14) engaged in peer-to-peer tutoring of 2,100 younger students (age 5-10), resulting in 23,000 hours of learning instructions. The 2023 grant is providing salary to youths to be the facilitators and coordinators to the Kid Teachers. The first quarter of 2023 started with a summary camp training for 174 Kid Teachers. (