Cercle Social was initiated in late 2010 by expatriates from Benin living in USA, France, and Canada. Cercle Social proposed to AllPeopleBeHappy foundation in May of 2012 to build a computer lab in the high school of Tori Agouako in Benin. A grant of $5,000 was used to purchase and ship to Benin the lab’s equipment, with the school providing the classroom space. The lab opened in November of 2012 with great fanfare and now computer training classes are being conducted for the 1,700 students six days a week. A second grant of $3,500 was awarded in late 2013 to purchase and ship 10 more computers and a generator to the computer lab. In late 2016, a third grant of $5,000 was awarded to Cercle Social to provide scholarships to secondary school students in Benin. The tuition for middle school is $85, while that of high school is $150. (www.cerclesocial.org)