One Acre Fund provides inputs (seed, fertilizer, financing), provides training on farming techniques, and provides harvest markets to small farmers in Kenya and Rwanda. One Acre Fund has proven that this cooperative farming structure leads to increase income for the farmers, which then leads to better family health, lower infant mortality, and more children attending school. The program has impacted 23,000 farm families (with 115,000 children) for an estimated total of 161,000 persons. The two grants in 2008 and 2009 totaling $20,000 represent 1% of the $2 million field expenditure over the 2 year period, leading to an impact figure of 1610 persons impacted by the AllPeopleBeHappy contribution.
Our grant in 2008-2009 formed a vital link in this multi-year effort to implement this new farming model as a new tool in the world’s fight against hunger and poverty among the rural poor. (